Reiki is a holistic healing practice based on ancient Japanese traditions. The word “Reiki” is derived from two Japanese words: Rei (spiritual wisdom) and Ki (life energy). Reiki is energy-based healing which uses light or no touch to balance your energy and promote healing and relaxation.
By combining Reiki with life coaching, you will find balance on all levels, gain mental clarity, and clear the flow of energy in the body. Together these practices can help you manifest a fulfilling and joyful life. Several sessions are recommended to receive optimal benefits.
I have a new Reiki studio for in person Reiki healing, but for those of you who are not wanting to travel - Great News! I still offer distance Reiki. This means that you can be in the comfort of your own home in your PJ's or anywhere around the world!
Member of the Australian Reiki Connection Inc. (ARC) - The Association of Australian Reiki Professionals. Established in 1997, the ARC is Australia’s leading and peak Reiki association for Australian Professional Reiki Treatment Practitioners and Independent Reiki Teachers nationwide. ARC's mission is maintaining Reiki as a spiritual practice and advocating for the integration of Reiki as a stand-alone therapy, into mainstream health care and community settings.
Whats included?
For Distance Reiki sessions:
Initial 10-minute intake call to discuss the process and answer any of your questions
1 x 45 minute Reiki healing session via Zoom customised specifically for your needs
Follow-up call or email to discuss how your session went.
For In-Person:
Session will take place in Doolandella
10-minute intake, we'll go through the process and answer any questions
1 x 45 minute Reiki healing session where you'll relax and receive energy healing.
5 minute de-brief and grounding.
Investment - $90/session or 5 sessions for $420